Family carers to get new online supports thanks to enhanced government support
As today October 6th marks the second European Carers Day, Ireland’s 499,000[1] unpaid Family Carers can look forward to new online supports thanks to funding announced today by the Minister for Social Protection, Heather Humphreys. Furthermore, the HSE has committed to annual funding of €100,000 to support with Care Alliance Ireland’s innovative Online Family Carer Support Project.
Minister Humphrey’s announcement today of €180,000 once off funding under the Dormant Accounts Funds will enable 150 Family Carers from across the country to benefit from a range of interventions including 1-2-1 IT support, online sessions on remote working, CV building, and using social media smartly as well as access to a dedicated individual training budget.
Speaking at the announcement, Liam O’Sullivan, Executive Director, Care Alliance Ireland, said:
“There is plenty of evidence that family carers who remain connected to the paid labour force have better long-term outcomes. The skills Family Carers acquire through their caring are valuable to employers – co-ordination, negotiation, advocacy, patience and persistence. This new project will provide Family Carers with some further skills and confidence so when they are ready to return to the paid workforce they will be better equipped to succeed in this increasingly digital workforce”.
Family carers provide care and support to a person with a disability, chronic condition, mental health concern and/or long-term illness, in the person’s own home.
Family carers can register their interest in this project by emailing info@carealliance.ie
For more information contact Liam O’Sullivan (087 207 3265) or email ndo@carealliance.ie
For more information about European Carers Day see https://eurocarers.org/category/european-carers-day/
[1] Central Statistics Office (2020) Irish Health Survey- Carers Module