2021 European Carers Day campaign
Supporting young carers in Europe is not only a matter of human rights, it is a social investment so, let’s make it happen!
Young carers testimonials
18 Years Ago, Caregiving Forced My Brother To Drop Out Of College. But Today, He Finally Graduates.
This Saturday my older brother will graduate magna cum laude from Volunteer State Community College with his Associate’s degree in Computer Information Technology. While every degree is special, this one is particularly significant. Earning this degree was a hard-fought battle, requiring perseverance, inner strength, and tenacity. 18 years ago, my brother made a decision that put his entire life on hold. When our mother was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease, she underwent a spinal surgery...Continue reading→
What does being a young carer mean?
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
I lie here quietly
When the world outside has gone quiet Perhaps if I just lie here everything will be fine. Perhaps If I just lie here quietly, maybe just maybe, nothing will happen. Perhaps my mind will stop spinning endlessly, perhaps I can trick my mind; my racing thoughts, that I am still sleeping. Perhaps my body will relax and not be so stressed. The world demands so much from me. To be and to act like everyone...Continue reading→
Why a European Carers Day
The idea is to coordinate and foster national efforts to raise awareness of carers’ issues under a pan-European structure. We will therefore be able to capitalise on existing actions and enable/facilitate new initiatives among less-advanced parts of Europe.
About young carers
Young carers are children and young people under 18 who provide or intend to provide care, assistance, or support to a family member or a friend, who has a chronic illness, disability, frailty or addiction. They assume a level of responsibility which would usually be associated with an adult.