I believe that teachers should be prepared for what it means to have young caregivers among their students to know how to approach them and learn about them signals to watch out for. Young caregivers need to feel in a safe environment and that they know they can count on teachers interested in their well-being, available to listen to their problems and ready to direct them to the professional more adequate for them. If my teachers had been prepared, I think they would have been able to grasp that something in my life was wrong; they would have understood that my delays were not due to laziness and that changing three schools in three years was a sufficiently alarming reason to pay a little more attention to me. Teachers not attentive to the students in their totality make the youngsters feel alone and lacking of support just in the place, the school, where they spend most of their time and that is often the only one where they could have a few hours of serenity away from home. These negative feelings prevent caregivers from seeking help, because they fear they cannot be understood and are not important for teachers.